We provide best practices for the processes, programs, tools, methodologies and organizational R&Rs required to create a systematic culture of innovation embedded in the DNA of your organization.
Our approach is lean, with tailor fitted consulting solutions to help your organization, based on deep experience at the front-line of organizational innovation management.
We will assess your organization’s current capabilities for innovation culture, organizational and technical innovation infrastructure and innovation planning and strategy. We will then help you create an innovation plan mapped to and matching your organization’s strategy and goals.
More often than not, many organizations fail to produce ongoing, value creating organizational innovation, by concentrating solely on a tactical approach, running ad hoc creativity and innovation events, not creating a proper, multi-program based innovation funnel, nor providing the resources to support it.
Many firms, when implementing innovation, don’t look beyond idea generation. As a result they may be trying to solve the wrong problems, and also fail to verify, prototype, and implement potentially successful ideas.
We will help you to avoid the common pitfalls in creating and managing organizational innovation. Our aim is to help you create an “up-and-running” innovation center of excellence that will provide best practices innovation programs, tools and methodologies for the continued success of your entire company.